Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sounds like you've got a case of the Mondays!!

Yesterday was just one of those long days. Everyone seemed to be in the Monday funk. And that Monday funk started, for me, when we had to put out keys (which are another story in of itself, entirely!)

The keys had been put in a box. No big deal. We all sorted out the mess and marched outside and started locating cars. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. At least, not until we got to the Sonatas.

Just to let you know, some trims levels are a lot, A LOT, more popular than others. Those others may sit there a minute and sometimes a light may have been left on, a door ajar, something that has run the battery down. So we had to jump off a few Sonatas. No big deal.

Right. No big deal til I got to lift the hood on the white one with an f'n wasps nest in it!!!

I don't know if you know this about me or not...I am deathly afraid of those things.

So D comes to the rescue and puts the charger on the car while I'm in the driver's seat, freaking out! The only thing I could think of was to leave the door open in case on of those pointed-ass bastards came through an air vent!

All of a sudden, D, who is a nice size dude, starts screaming, "Crank it already!! I'm going to get stung!!"

Ohhhh yeah.... I forgot you were over there!!

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