Monday, August 9, 2010

Sob Story

I've just finished reading PS, I love you. I needed a whole box of Kleenex to finish that book. I've never had to put down a book because I was crying too much to continue reading it. What's wrong with me? I don't normally do that...

Then to make me cry more, a friend of mine posts a video of soldiers reuniting with their families. Like that wouldn't make me cry...

I think I have a permanent lump in my throat.

I do want to see PS, I love you now. I've finished the book, how different or how good is the movie? I hear good things about it. I'm on a roll, maybe I can find it online tonight... I've got a roll of toilet paper handy since I've been crying for the last two hours...

I don't know what book to read next. I feel like I might need a breather!

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