Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wish list

I rarely ask for things for my birthday. I don't like ski g for things. But seeing a this is the last birthday I'm celebrating, I'm starting a list of gift ideas. I figure, make this my most selfish birthday ever since I won't be celebrating after this October.

So here it goes; and come back regularly for more gift ideas as I think of them.

Steph's last birthday gift idea #1:
Nike tempo shorts, XL. Those are the most comfortable shorts created by mankind and I only have two pair. I love all colors and all pair with Alabama logos on them, or houndstooth if you can find that! Adidas makes a pair, too, and I'm open to trying their tempo shorts as well!

I also like the gym pants that come to your knees. Those are even more comfortable in my spin class. I will be picky. I like the tight kind, preferably black or gray. I don't like untangling lose garments from my bike on the road or in spin.

I hate shopping for clothes. It is number one on the "Top Ten Ways to Torture Me" list (I'm not posting that one as to avoid giving you any ideas). This means that when I say I want an article of clothing, I really want it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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